Friday, October 26, 2012

Day 3 Post

Yesterday in class, we had a quiz on the preamble of the Declaration of Independence.  Afterwards, we took some notes and talked about some battles.  On the board, Mr. Boyle wrote "Corn Cornwallis" instead of Lord Cornwallis.  How silly of him.  We then got really off topic.  Mr. Boyle said that we are all insane.  My sources tell me that that is a very Mr. Boyle-ish thing to say.  I mentioned the dragons again.  Take THAT, Mr. Boyle.  Your secret is out again! Muhahaha.. haha.. ha.. ha. ha.

Today in class, we took a test.  It tested our knowledge.  It wasn't an overly difficult or confusing test, which was nice.  I do not like it when taking a test feels like this.  I'm pretty sure that i mixed up two of the colonies though.  Ah shucks.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Civic Values Voice Thread! Yay!

It's time for my civic values voice thread! Yay! It's late and I'm silly, so bear with me, okay?  I got a bit weird near the end.. and the beginning.. and the middle.. Aaaaanyway, it was lot's of fun and I made up a song while doing it!  It goes "civic values, civic values, civic values, civic values, civic values, civic values, yay!"  Nice, eh?  Most of my songs are under 5 words long.  The words just repeat a lot.  Now, listen to my voice thread.  I expect full cooperation.  You'll know what I mean when you get there.


Day 1 Post!

Yesterday, we did a scavenger hunt with QR codes!  It was actually a sneaky way for Mr. Boyle to get us to answer questions about the American Revolution.  We saw through his clever plan, but went along with it anyway.

Today in class we watched a presentation about art from the American Revolution.  It was kind of interesting, I guess.  I made some silly faces Allie and drew a pretty picture.  I swear I was paying attention.  It's just that If I Didn't Have You ... sorry, my music slipped.  I mean, if I didn't have something to do while I listed/watched I would have gone insane.  It was just too much sitting silently without something to actively work on for Jess to handle.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Day 5 Post

Yesterday, Mr. Boyle was not there.  We had Woman as a substitute.  She makes me angry, so I refuse to use her name.  Woman was bad.  Woman talked for most of the class.  She talked and talked and we ended up not being able to finish our essays.  That made me angry.  The last sentences in my essay is  "Those were arghhhhhhh" then "I didn't finish :("  Woman shouldn't have talked so much.  Bad Woman.  She also let the dragons escape.  She left the door open and they left.  Mr. Boyle will have to go catch them again.  Silly Woman.  I do not like Woman.  I bet Mr. Boyle just did that so we would be forever scarred and never want to have a substitute again.  What a sneaky man.  Maybe he's still mad about the umbrella thing.  Silly.

Today in class we told Mr. Boyle about Woman.  Then we talked about the Revolution some more.  Who had the best navy in the world? Britain.  Who had the best navy in the world? Still Britain.  Who had the best navy in the world? Let me check.. Yep, still Britain.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Day 3 Post

Yesterday we did stuff (no, really?). We looked at the Declaration of Independence in groups and each had a part that we had to find the meaning of. I worked with Jolene and Luke. We then had to write a fake tweet about it. Ours was totally the best. It was absolutely fantastic.  I tried to put this guy:  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ in, but we didn't quite have the right characters. We made it work with what we had though.

Today, we went into even. bigger. groups. and shared the information we wrote down yesterday. Then we talked about the debate and questioned Mr. Boyle's manliness because of his desire to drink drinks with little umbrellas in them. I think that he will do this someday. He'll say it is just to spite us, but it will really be because he knows we're right but still likes umbrellas. We also learned today that the closet leads to other countries. We were talking about what we can do if we don't like how childish and pathetic our government can be, and one option was to go to another country. Mr. Boyle said that if we don't like it, then "there's the door" and made a hand gesture towards the closet door. This led me to believe that if we go through the door we will get to another country. It probably sends you to a random country when you walk through it. Or Narnia. Or if you're lucky, you'll see the dragons. Closets are silly. So are presidential candidates.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 1 Post

On Friday, we read some articles that gave different perspectives on the issues with Britain.  We read these in groups and wrote some stuff about the ideas in them.  Then went into other groups and talked about their documents.  Well that's all I've got about Friday.  I was really out of it that day so I don't really remember too much about what happened.  Ah well.

Today in class we presented our Revolutionary Replica projects.  My "guest" was Patrick Henry.  He wears silly turtle necks and I don't like them.  Since his turtle-necks are so silly, I didn't fix his blotchy hand.  He also doesn't have any feet.  He kept trying to run away so I cut them off.  I accidentally called him George while presenting.  I don't know why.  He didn't mind though, because he's made of paper.
Another part of that project was to make a voice thread.  Here's mine:

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Day 5 Post

Yesterday in class we talked about who fired the "shot heard around the world."  We read things written by various people and they really just accused the other side.  There was one British guy who said it was the British, but he also said that he couldn't really tell, so he's pretty unreliable.  We also watched a ted talk about witnesses and how reliable they really are.  Spoiler Alert:  Not very.

Today in class we talked about the Battles of Lexington and Concord and the Battle of Bunker Hill.  We watched an animation about it with fabulous music that made it nice and intense.  We also found out that they kept cows on the hills.  I asked Mr. Boyle if the soldiers killed the cows and he said that if the cows got in the way then they probably died.  Thaaaaaaaaat makes me sad.  I like cows.  After we talked about the cows... I mean, the battles, we made a search thing about them.  That will be posted eventually, but it took a really long time to load.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Day 3 Post

Yesterday we had another EdCafe.  It was rather disappointing.  There was hardly any discussion, and when there was it was forced and short.  All we really did was talk about an event while everyone silently took notes.  It was not very interesting and I got bored pretty quickly.  I also ended up not filling the whole eight minutes even though I had twice as many preparation notes as last time.  I think that if we had gone a little further into these events in class before the EdCafe we could have had better discussions because we would have developed stronger opinions on it.  If we were to do the EdCafe tomorrow rather than yesterday, then I think that there would be a lot of things to discuss.

Today in class we talked a little about the events we did the EdCafe on.  We went over it in more detail.  It definitely changed my view on the colonists.  Whenever we hear about what happened, it seems like they were such admirable and brave people fighting for liberty.  Now it seems that they really just acted like sadistic children with weapons.  Some of their actions were rather disgusting, actually.  for example, they had no right to do such horrible things to the tax collectors.  These people were just doing their jobs, but what did the colonists do?  Hanged some of them and tarred and feathered the rest.  That is absolutely uncalled for.  The tea incident was downright irresponsible.  It's nothing more than overgrown children throwing temper tantrums.  Sure, I'm all for us winning our freedom, and I know that the British weren't all pure and innocent either, but that doesn't make these things okay.  Hmph. ...Afterwards, we read an irritating poem about Paul Revere's ride.  It was irritating because it had so much extra unnecessary detail and didn't even do anything artful or clever with it.  Now if it had done it well, then a lot of the extra detail would be forgivable.   Instead, it just doubled the length of the already painful poem.  It was so drab and dull and repetitive.  It wasn't even historically accurate!  That's where our class work came in.  We had to write a sonnet about the ride that was historically accurate.  Mine ended up being somewhat decent, I suppose, but I'm certainly not a great poet.  I lost a bit of respect for Paul Revere today.  When I first learned about him I thought he was a pretty cool guy.  Now I kind of resent him for being so cruel to that poor horse.  I mean, come on, man!  You have to give the poor thing a rest every once in a while!  Other than that,  I guess he's still a pretty good guy.

...I think I'm having an angry day today... ಠ_ಠ

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 1 Post

Yesterday in class, we read about the French and Indian War in groups.  The font was very small.  I could have sworn that it got smaller at one point, but alas, I was seeing things.  My group never actually finished the reading, but Mr. Boyle filled the class in on what happened.  I would like to point out that my group had some spectacular commentary to add.  We also determined that Dinwiddie is a fabulous name.  Personally, I think that it would have been more amusing if it was Dinwiddlie.  Anyway, we learned that George Washington was a sneaky and talented man who got the French drunk to get them to share their secret plans.  More importantly, we learned the outcome of the war:  The British recovered from their initial losses and went on to defeat the French.  The king then made some silly decisions that upset the colonists and made them start to realize how much they disliked being ruled from 3000 miles away.

Today in class, we went to the library to work on getting out information for our upcoming EdCafe.  We worked in groups on Google Docs.    My group wrote about the Stamp act.  We split up the sections between the three of us, and each wrote about our parts.  Unfortunately, our Google Overlord was being very uncooperative and we were getting frustrated.  Exclamations of "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" and "HA! f5! Take THAT,  Google!" were heard all around the room.  Actually, I think that was just me.  Anyway, although Google was being a jerk, we got our information all typed up!