Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 1 Post

On Friday, we talked about the Bill of Rights and the conflict over the Constitution between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists.  As it turns out, their thoughts were heavily influenced by the influx of unusual alligators that were migrating down the coast during the infamous Canadian Alligator Scandal of 1785 that occurred just a few years before the Constitution was signed.  These alligators were of a special sort from northern Canada that emitted radioactive waves with mind control properties.  After they reached Florida, where they currently reside (they hide out deep in the everglades and try to avoid people, so if you weren't told they were there you would never know), they realized what they had done and used their telepathy to send a message back to the writers of the Constitution.  The message went as follows: "Sorry."  It was then that the Bill of Rights was added and everyone was happy (for the most part).
Actually, Friday was a half day and we didn't have class.  In the words of the alligators, "sorry."

Today in class, we actually did talk about the Bill of Rights!  We also talked about scandals! We read the amendments and then read a scenario where a man, Madonna, and some party-goers were all arrested.  We had to figure out which amendments were violated in the scenario.  There were a lot.  (Ex: searching property without a warrant, double trials, unfair trials, cruel and unusual punishments...).  Everyone ended up being freed! (We'll get you next time, Madonna!).  It was good fun.  It would have been even more amusing to incorporate all of the amendments.  Just imagine Madonna and a bunch of inebriated party-goers forming a militia and arming themselves with squirt guns and the police not being able to do anything (until they inevitably broke some law.  Rowdy and inebriated people do that sometimes, you know?).  Actually there was nothing to suggest that they had been drinking, but I like to think that they were because it makes the squirt-gun thought more amusing.  Madonna would lead them into battle screaming like an ancient warrior then little streams of water would start flying and landing a few feet in front of her.  Their facial expressions would be fabulous.  Oh my gosh, i am getting so off track.  The Bill of Rights is great, it gives the people.. well, rights, so Madonna and multiple party-goers aren't cruelly and unusually punished or any assortment of other things (and neither are the rest of us).  Well, that's what we did in class.

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