Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 1 Post

Yesterday in class, we went to the library!  We answered questions about the states in the 1820's.  To do this, we used an interactive map on the computer.  We answered questions about things like population and land area of the north and south.  I also determined the answer to a far more important question in class yesterday.  This question was "Which is sassier:  Arkansas or Massachusetts?"  You see, if you mispronounce their names, you can say "Arkansassy" and "Sassachusetts."  Mackenzie, Mr. Boyle, Emily, and I all said that Massachusetts was sassier.  Allie said that Arkansas was the sassiest.  Allie made a good point about that though.  She said that Arkansas is sassy because it looks like it should be pronounces are-kansas, but it is not.  I still feel that Massachusetts is sassier though.  Mr. Boyle said that I thought too much about this.  He has no idea what he is talking about.

Today in class, we talked about what we did in class yesterday.  Afterwards, we read excerpts about the Mexican War and filled in a chart.  Yay charts!  Then we watched a video about the war.  Yay videos!

On a darker note, I'd like to include a memorial to my spider friend.  I found him on a piece of the robot today.  He became my friend.  I left him unattended for a little while so he could have peace and I could get something done.  When I went to say hi to him again, he was dead.  Someone killed my spider friend.  I vowed to find the culprit and get my revenge.  Finally, one of the suspects confessed.  He will regret his decision to harm my spider friend.

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