Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 1 Post

Yesterday in class, we read about the French and Indian War in groups.  The font was very small.  I could have sworn that it got smaller at one point, but alas, I was seeing things.  My group never actually finished the reading, but Mr. Boyle filled the class in on what happened.  I would like to point out that my group had some spectacular commentary to add.  We also determined that Dinwiddie is a fabulous name.  Personally, I think that it would have been more amusing if it was Dinwiddlie.  Anyway, we learned that George Washington was a sneaky and talented man who got the French drunk to get them to share their secret plans.  More importantly, we learned the outcome of the war:  The British recovered from their initial losses and went on to defeat the French.  The king then made some silly decisions that upset the colonists and made them start to realize how much they disliked being ruled from 3000 miles away.

Today in class, we went to the library to work on getting out information for our upcoming EdCafe.  We worked in groups on Google Docs.    My group wrote about the Stamp act.  We split up the sections between the three of us, and each wrote about our parts.  Unfortunately, our Google Overlord was being very uncooperative and we were getting frustrated.  Exclamations of "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" and "HA! f5! Take THAT,  Google!" were heard all around the room.  Actually, I think that was just me.  Anyway, although Google was being a jerk, we got our information all typed up!

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